It was one of those evenings alone and I had been working from home the entire day. I was supposed to be at a musical event but work kept me busy. This had ensured that I could not make it to the event at all. Feeling highly demotivated, since I had been looking forward to the event, I decided to create my own mini event at home. I have collection of classical songs that I have built up over the years and which I am very proud of. I also have a large collection of lounge music, Buddha Bar mostly.

I loaded my entire collection of classical and lounge music onto a mixer and let shuffle take charge. Before I started off, I picked up my trusted Black Dog Triple Gold Reserve, added some ice and soda and put the music on! It has rightly Poster-1been told, music is an enchantress and can seduce you away to mystical lands unknown. But once you are there, you would never want to come back.

This is exactly what happened to me. It was the evening, a Friday evening to be precise, and the music was reaching its high note. With that, the flavors of TGR were only doing the trick to get me to the mystical lands faster. The woody aroma from the triple maturing, the effortless roll under my tongue. It was all so very alluring. Not wanting to be back so soon, I kept the flow of TGR into my glass steady and the music at a high note!

Zakir Hussain and Ustad Allah Rakkha Khan saheb’s jugalbandi has always been top notch. They have always entertained me. On the other hand, Rahul Sharma’s western influenced santoor vadan has its own uniqueness. All masters of their own art. The music, the musicians, the scotch and the connoisseur.

Disclaimer: The content featured above is only for people aged above 25 years. Underage drinking is illegal and against the law. Drink sensibly and carefully and please never drive under the influence of alcohol.

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