I have been working out of Trivandrum for almost a month now. It was strange when today somebody called me up enquiring for the directions to my home. He said it was a parcel that had been sent for me! After receiving it, I received a call from my wife that it is a box and tends to appear like a phone. While I tend to review quite a few devices, I assumed it was just that! But then, I had not received any review requests in the past few weeks and even when any of them came, I politely turned them down. This was however a bolt from the blue.
Take a look at the packaging. It makes me wonder what it is and if I should open it at all.

Anyways, it is said that curiosity killed the wild cat! Similarly, my curiosity got better of me and I opened the parcel. It says it runs on Bon6.

1.     BON6 has super surround sound!!! Woah! I would love to watch movies with surround sound!
2.     BON6 runs on Chocolaty 2.0 OS. I have never heard of it. I wonder which version of Android it runs!
3.     BON6 has Auto Charge – Does this mean no more begging anybody for chargers???
All these features sound too good to be true, however, the instructions inside the parcel asked me not to open the box until two more days! I just cannot wait for the unboxing of the mystery box, but then, just 2 days to go! I have asked my wife to keep it away, hidden in safety!

Other than this, all that I got was this -> http://www.bontheoriginal.com
Rishi was calling Suman since the last four hours. Her phone was ringing continuously since the last four hours. He was very worried now. He called her office up a few hours back but then the watchman there confirmed she had signed out at around seven in the evening. She had not come back since then, neither had any one heard back from her. He even visited her house but found it locked. Her neighbours had not seen her come home. There was no point calling Sneha since she was not even in the country. He did not have her parents’ number, but then she would have definitely told him if she was going back home or there was some problem back then.
He was stuck with no leads in this case. He took a swig of his Black Dog. He had told Suman to keep her data connection on all the time so that they could Skype whenever they felt like. He had not thought about checking her online yet. She wasn’t there. This could only mean that her Location reporting would not be available either. Nonetheless he tried checking her last known location. It was a warehouse ten miles away from her office. What could she be doing there? Was her phone stolen? But if that was the case, why hadn’t she come back home?
There were a lot of unanswered questions, none of them seemed to have any leads. He was frustrated. He felt like a novice. He felt he had hit a dead end. He could not tell the cops. They would not even file a missing complaint before 24 hours. But then it may be too late by then. For whatever you know, her life may be in danger. He did not know where to start from. He had not visited her office yet. He should start from there. He had advised Suman to keep a pepper spray in her purse for her safety. If she was in danger, had she remembered to use it?
He fiddled with his laptop keys while he thought what to do. The TV roared at full volume. His fiddling with the keys changed the map view from last known location to location trail. She had travelled from the office to the Metro station and from there to the warehouse. It was an unmarked warehouse. He finished a full glass of his Scotch in one swig and got up from his chair. He had to do something and that something had to be done fast, really fast.
Rishi changed into his tuxedo and put on his hat. He had to work in style of the private detective that he was. He had to save her at any cost.