The other day wifey and I had a bad argument. A bad argument generally means apologizing and accepting that you were wrong. After all, there can only be one outcome of any argument and in one that happens with the wife, the husband has to accept that he is wrong! Now the apologizing part has to come with its own repercussions. It also comes with trying to patao the wife to take you back into her good books. One favorite way to do this is cooking for her. While Pasta happens to be one of my wife’s favorite dishes, cooking happens to be one of my passions! I know well, that after the cooking, my wife is sure there to help me clean the mess. Men are messy chefs!

Co-Incidentally, the strong flavors of Pasta are very well augmented with several spirits. On such is the Black Dog’s Triple Gold Reserve. The vanilla notes of the scotch blend well with the herbs that are used to season the pasta. To be specific, the oregano and the cracked pepper complement each other very well bringing out the flavors of the pasta further. Here’s one recipe that I generally use when I have to get back into the good books of my wife!


Cherry tomatoes,halved 10-12

1 1/2 cups

Salt to taste
Broccoli,separated into florets 1/4 medium
Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Black peppercorns 10-12
Basil leaves 15-20
Olive oil

2 tablespoons

Paneer (cottage cheese),cut into 2 inch long strips 150 grams
Vinegar 1 tablespoon
Castor sugar (caster sugar) 1 teaspoon
Pine nuts(chilgoza) or chopped walnuts (akhrot) 2 tablespoons


Cook the pasta in five to six cups of salted boiling water till al denteSummer Tomato Pasta Salad(cooked, but still firm to the bite). Drain, refresh in cold water and spread on a large plate to cool. Boil the broccoli with salt and sugar for two to three minutes. Drain, refresh in cold water and set it aside. Reserve three to four basil leaves for garnishing and crush the rest with the Poster-2peppercorns and one tablespoon of olive oil with a mortar and pestle. Stir the remaining olive oil into the paste. In a large bowl combine pasta, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, paneer, prepared paste, vinegar, caster sugar and salt. Toss well to mix. Transfer the salad onto a serving dish, garnish with the remaining basil leaves and pinenuts or walnuts and serve immediately. – See more at:


Disclaimer: The content featured above is only for people aged above 25 years. Underage drinking is illegal and against the law. Drink sensibly and carefully and please never drive under the influence of alcohol.

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